Pervious Solutions

Green Building Design (Whole Building Concept) begins in the Parking Lot. LEED, the USGBC Green Building Rating System, recognizes pervious pavements in their application for certification credits. Since the early 1980s, Magruder Construction’s personnel were among the first to see these commercial benefits of pervious concrete:

• Reduces Stormwater Runoff. Although pervious concrete was initially only approved as a porous pavement under the drip lines of trees, Magruder's personnel saw the importance of its permeability in storm water control and expanded its construction of the ridged pervious pavement to a continuous ribbon or train throughout the parking lots.

• More Efficient Land Use. Today's green LEED applications involve the placement of pervious concrete pavements in entire parking lots, driveways or limited-use roadways. This layer acts as a structural base and as an onsite storm water detention basin.

• Lower Overall Project Cost. The dual-use design of pervious pavement saves the developer a significant amount of money due to the fact it will greatly reduce, if not eliminate all-together, the need for any conventional storm water infrastructure. This application may be used where soils are not as porous as the sandy soils found in Florida.


The placement of the pervious concrete itself is, of course, another area where an elevated level of quality control must be performed. This high level of quality control along with highly experienced personnel has propelled Magruder Construction as the profound leader in the previous concrete pavement industry. We invite you to speak with us today about how our vast level of pervious concrete experience can assist you in your next project.


Green Building Design (Whole Building Concept) begins in the Parking Lot. LEED, the USGBC Green Building Rating System, recognizes pervious pavements in their application for certification credits.Since the early 1980s, Magruder Concrete Solution's personnel were among the first to see these commercial benefits of pervious concrete.


Profitable Ecology
Pervious concrete can also help to increase profitability while providing environmental benefits. Traditional stormwater management systems can take up 10 to 20 percent of the overall site for retention sites and bio-swales. Pervious concrete can double as a parking facility and stormwater treatment system, so this valuable space can be used to increase the density of development. In addition, tree wells can be very small since pervious concrete provides air and water to the tree roots. This increases the amount of usable space for parking while encouraging tree growth that cools the lot and improves the air quality. The durability of concrete lowers the overall lifecycle cost with an expected life span of 20-40 years.


Pervious concrete has the same water management characteristics as grass and other ground covers. Pervious concrete parking lots, driveways, sidewalks and roads allow the rain to drain directly into the ground or sub-base, naturally filtering out pollutants while replenishing the water tables and aquifers and watering surrounding vegetation. Pervious concrete is a unique mix of cementitious materials, course aggregates (gravel or crushed stone) and water with little or no sand. The exclusive use of coarse aggregates creates 15-25% air voids throughout the concrete. These large gaps allow water to pass directly through the pavement and into the soil or base rather than collecting on or running off the surface. Pervious concrete can pass 3 to 5 gallons of water per minute through its open cells for each square foot of surface area. This works out to more than 200 inches per hour which is far greater than most rain events.